A Focus on Window Safety

At YKK AP, we are vigilant about safety and aim to use the highest quality materials to ensure homeowners and building owners can rest easy. 

As we celebrate Window Safety Week, we are focusing on just a few of the ways that we are doing our part to keep occupants safe and protected at home.

Our proprietary locking mechanisms used on our Accessibility Lock ensure they lock and unlock easily, and automatically reset to keep occupants safe. 

We also offer window control devices on all double-hung windows and casement windows to limit how far you can open the window, so homeowners with small children can feel confident knowing they’ve made the right choice for their family.

For more information about Window Safety Week, visit the National Safety Council’s website: https://www.nsc.org/home-safety/safety-topics/child-safety/window-safety. And be sure to follow along on LinkedIn and Twitter as we share more about Window Safety Week.